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10 truly Irish symptoms of The Fear


1. Noting a general, all-over body ache

Omg! RoMantiC BwOii Iz noT weLl. Source: Instagram/imafcool

2. Checking your calls log, sent messages and Snapchat story regularly and methodically

CSIgSXrVEAA3S6K Source: Twitter/@alexaeden20

Just to make sure you didn’t do anything.

3. Messaging every group chat you’re in, hoping they feel it too

tumblr_nps3eknRfI1ruy5hyo1_500 Source: Tumblr

Am I alone in this unrelenting dread? Somebody ANSWER ME!

4. Covering all the clocks and timers in the house

Gif-Clock Source: Likecool

No. No reminders.

4. Covering yourself

Everyday is #nationalpuppyday for #indianamabel In this pic she is a #burrito #blanketburrito #dogsofinstagram #pupstagram #puppy #puppylove #morehashtags Source: Instagram/jmadg32

As many blankets and hoodies as you can assemble on your person. Swallow me whole, oh fleecy warmth.

5. Fixating on one specific event from the night before

#tipoftheday take a photo of your #cloakroomticket, so when you're #drunk and loose it, show the picture to the cloak room guardian.. Source: Instagram/ozzyozwaldo1

“That man I spoke to in the coat queue. What were we talking about? Where is he now?”

6. Believing that the JustEat delivery man is judging you

“Have a good night,” he says to your quivering, pyjama-clad self. HE KNOWS. HE KNOWS YOU’RE HAVING A BAD NIGHT.

7. An all-consuming need for comforting sounds and visuals

14-kitten-gif-566 Source: Vomzi

Play the kitten video again, Sam. Again.

8. Deeply regretting scheduling any meetings or appointments for the next day

tumblr_ns9xh3tFrP1uyvel4o1_500 Source: Tumblr

You thought you’d be good and book a dentist’s appointment. Why’d you do that, ye plank?

9. Hearing the Glenroe theme in your head, even though the show ended 15 years ago

Source: Colm O'Rourke/YouTube


10. Doing this

CdixAsEXEAU7JTO Source: Twitter/@dalvinderaulakh

God help us all.

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